The Squat Walk will build endurance in the lower body and targets the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and the inner and outer thighs. This is a great exercise to finish off your leg workout!
The Squat Walk will build endurance in the lower body and targets the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and the inner and outer thighs. This is a great exercise to finish off your leg workout!
I have a problem with the overall premise of your article but I still think its really informative. I really like your other posts. Keep up the great work. If you can add more video and pictures can be much better. Because they help much clear understanding. 🙂 thanks
I appreciate your response and happy to hear you like the posts! More video and pictures are to come and a video of a home exercise will also be posted each week. You mentioned you have a problem with the overall premise. Can you clarify what it is you have a problem with specifically?
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Thank you! I appreciate your response.
Thanks! I’m happy to hear you like my blog. There is more to come!
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Thank you for letting me know about the layout on smartphones. I am currently looking in to making the blog more compatible with smartphones and hope to have that fixed soon!