When shopping at the grocery store look for and avoid foods with: trans fats, long ingredient lists containing lots of artificial ingredients and added chemicals, and otherwise healthy products that contain additional sugars added like sucrose, glucose, sugar, maltodextrin, corn syrup, etc. Also, be skeptical of foods making health claims like: added vitamins and minerals, wholesome or healthy, no added sugar, contains real fruit, natural, fat-free, low-carb, high-protein. Always check the label to see what is in the products you are buying and purchase food that is as unprocessed as possible.
Category Archives: Nutrition
Training and Nutrition Tip – Plateau’s
Sometimes a plateau is reached in your training program after initial progress. This is due to your body being lighter and burning less energy with every activity you do. To get over this plateau either increase your activity, consume a little bit less food with each meal, or a combination of both. If you are trying to gain lean muscle mass then you need to consume more calories during each meal. Measure your progress often so you can adjust your plan and minimize the occurrence of these plateau’s!
Nutrition Tip – Protein Intake
To reduce body fat, improve muscle mass and recovery, and boost your metabolism, ensure that you are consuming an adequate amount of protein by eating protein dense foods with each meal. A portion size is about the size of the palm of your hand. Women should have one portion per meal (20 – 30 g) and men should have two (40 – 60 g).
Nutrition Tip – Vegetable Power
A lifestyle change doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start with one new habit at a time. When that habit becomes second nature, move on to the next one. A new habit that will benefit you greatly is to add at least two servings of vegetables with each meal. Doing so will provide you with many vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that will fight cancer, destroy free-radicals, and neutralize acid in the body. Now this is one habit worth starting today!
Health Tip – Injury Nutrition
Acute injuries do happen from time to time whether it’s from working out, sports, or just accidents around the home. During the injury recovery time it is very important to feed your body the nutrients it needs and consume enough calories to speed up healing. Supplementing with some key micronutrients will help you heal faster and get you back to your routine. These micronutrients are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Copper, and Zinc. Also, two minerals that play a vital role in injury prevention are Calcium and Iron. So make sure you are setting up a good environment in your body for healing so you can minimize your down time!