Dumbbell Burpee Shoulder Press

Hey there!  It has been a while since I’ve posted a new Home Exercise of the Week but the series is back and I have a whole bunch of new exercises to show you over the next few months.

This week I have the Dumbbell Burpee Shoulder Press.  This is a fantastic full body exercise that will target your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, core, shoulders, and triceps.  You will also get a really good cardiovascular workout from this exercise!  If you don’t have dumbbells that’s ok, you can use any substitute like a medicine ball, sandbag, or just put your hands up in the air.

Let’s take a look at the key points to doing the Dumbbell Burpee Shoulder Press properly.

  • have a pair of dumbbells (or substitute) in front of you at your feet
  • squat down and grab the handles of the dumbbells
  • from this position jump both feet back until you are in a full plank position while keeping your core flexed and tight
  • jump your feet back up to your hands and stand up with the dumbbells in your hands
  • press the weights up over your head to do the shoulder press
  • lower the weights back down to the floor and repeat

So there you have the Dumbbell Burpee Shoulder Press.  It’s a challenging exercise that will get you sweating and your heart pumping!

I’ll be back next week with another new exercise so stay tuned and feel free to leave a comment below about how you did with the exercise or if you have any questions.

Quick Tabata Workout

Tabata Protocol – 20 seconds of as many reps as you can do followed by 10 seconds of rest; 4 rounds of each pair of exercises followed by a 30 to 60 second rest before moving on to the next pair of exercises.

This 30 minute bodyweight Tabata is an intermediate level workout that you can do at home.  Great if you don’t have a lot of time or equipment!

Free Live Online Class!

diabetes symposiumI have some exciting news to share with you!  Starting this month I will be doing live online classes through Learn It Live!  My first class is part of the Diabetes Smart Online Symposium and I will be talking about the best foods to help manage diabetes and the importance of regular exercise.  It is a free 30 minute class taking place on June 11th at 3:30 pm EST.  Even if you don’t have diabetes there is great information in this 30 minute session that will be beneficial for anyone to help prevent diabetes and just good health in general.

So come join me this Saturday and interact with me and other people from around the country!  You can sign up by clicking on the following link. https://www.learnitlive.com/class/9088/The-Best-Foods-to-Help-Manage-Diabetes-and-the-Importance-of-Regular-Exercise

Peter’s Transformation


I would like to give a huge congratulations to my client Peter for his amazing transformation!  By exercising 3 to 4 times per week, sticking to his Precision Nutrition meal plan and healthy habits, in just 8 weeks Peter has lost 26.4 lbs and 15.25 inches! You can really tell the difference in the face and midsection.  Amazing and great work!!


New Year


Many people make fitness resolutions for the new year and that is awesome if you have.  I too have made goals for myself this year but I came across this and it made me realize just how important gratitude is.

Life can get hectic and we can get caught up with things that may seem important at the time but in the big picture they really aren’t that big of a deal. The important stuff in life are the little things…the smiles, the kindness, the laughing, small gestures for people, magical moments that make your skin tingle, anticipation and excitement of seeing a loved one, helping others, a positive word of encouragement from and to people, noticing the beauty of life that surrounds us, and the many other little things that when you look back on your life you will realize just how important they all have been to you.

My biggest resolution this year is to not take things for granted and to let gratitude of all the amazing little things in life be my dominant feeling.  Have an amazing year everyone!