Leg, Shoulder, and Core Workout

Hey everyone!  Summer is fast approaching and that means less clothing and more of your body showing.  Here is a new Home Workout of the Week for you to do that will help you shed some unwanted pounds and tone your legs, shoulders, and abdominals!

This Leg, Shoulder, and Core Workout is part of a split routine and the rest of the workouts to go along with this one will be coming in the weeks ahead.  Do this workout at a minimum of once a week along with the other routines and you’ll be well on your way to a fit and toned summer body!

Note:  There are a lot of plyometric moves in this routine which means high impact, jumping moves.  If you are a beginner or have knee problems then I suggest you do not do any jumping and just do standard moves.  For example, in the Cross Body Punch Jump Squat you would just do the punches then squat but not jump.

Leg, Shoulder, and Core Workout


  • 12 Bodyweight Squats
  • 10 Pushups
  • 12 Spiderman Climbs
  • 10 Spinal Rotations for each side
  • 10 Shoulder Circles for each arm

Superset 1

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Superset 2

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Superset 3

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Superset 4

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Health Tip – Back Health

Excessive sitting can bring about many issues related to back health. Continuous flexionyoung male holding his back in pain of your lumbar spine can lead to disc delamination which is where the outer collagen rings of the lumbar discs start to wear away. To help prevent this try to stand up every 20 – 30 minutes and walk around. The core musculature that supports your lower back shuts down after about 20 minutes of sitting, and moving around reactivates it. Keep your back healthy!

Motivational Tip – One Step at a Time

A complete lifestyle overhaul all at once is a huge undertaking and can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed which can cause you to lose focus and give up. Instead focus on one small goal at a time and when staircasethat goal becomes a habit, focus on another one. An example of a small goal is adding more fruits and vegetables in to your diet. These small goals introduced one by one add up to big changes over time and before you know it your lifestyle will be completely different than it used to be!

Health Tip – Injury Nutrition

ankle-sprain-treatmentAcute injuries do happen from time to time whether it’s from working out, sports, or just accidents around the home. During the injury recovery time it is very important to feed your body the nutrients it needs and consume enough calories to speed up healing. Supplementing with some key micronutrients will help you heal faster and get you back to your routine. These micronutrients are Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Copper, and Zinc. Also, two minerals that play a vital role in injury prevention are Calcium and Iron. So make sure you are setting up a good environment in your body for healing so you can minimize your down time!

Nutrition Tip – Plant Based Diets

If you have decided to minimize or eliminate animal products from your diet and start on a plant-based diet then it’s important to know that you may not be getting adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. The nutrients that are often low or missing are vitamin B12, fruitVitamin D, Calcium, Iodine, Omega-3 fat, and Zinc. You can increase your intake of these nutrients by eating more vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and fruits or through supplementation if you can’t get enough through food.