Side Plank Contralateral Knee Tuck

Hey there!  I have a new Home Exercise of the Week to show you and this core exercise is going to target your obliques as well as work your shoulders isometrically.  It’s called the Side Plank Contralateral Knee Tuck and it is quite challenging so take it slow until you get the hang of it and then work your way up to higher reps.

Let’s take a look at the key points to doing the Side Plank Contralateral Knee Tuck properly.

  • start in a side plank position with your elbow directly under your shoulder
  • offset your foot position by bringing your top leg to the front and your bottom leg to the back
  • raise your hips up until your body is straight and contract your abdominals
  • extend your top arm overhead and from this position drive your bottom knee up underneath you and at the same time bend your top arm so the elbow and knee meet in the middle
  • squeeze your abdominals then return to the starting position
  • repeat for the desired amount of time or reps then do the same for the other side

So there you have the Side Plank Contralateral Knee Tuck.  It’s a tough one but well worth the effort!  If you have any questions please comment on this post or feel free to email me.

Happy planking!

Quick Glute Firming Workout

Hey there!  It’s time for a new Home Workout of the Week.  Everyone is looking to firm up their backside and to do that you need to strengthen and challenge your glutes.  With glutesthis Glute Firming Workout you will do just that.  You’re butt and legs are going to be screaming at you but it’ll be worth it!  You’ll also be working your core as well as burning a lot of calories due to the cardiovascular nature of circuit training.

Make sure you properly warm up, perform 3 rounds of each superset, then stretch.

Click on the links to see video demonstrations of the exercises.


Glute Firming Circuit


  • 12 Bodyweight Squats
  • 12 Glute Bridges
  • 12 Spiderman Climbs
  • 10 Spinal Rotations for each side
  • 10 Shoulder Circles for each arm


Rest 1 minute then repeat the superset 2 more times


Hip Bridge Swing

Hey everyone!  I have a new Home Exercise of the Week for you to try.  This one is called the Hip Bridge Swing and it’s a great exercise to work your hamstrings, glutes, triceps, shoulders, and obliques!

Let’s take a look at the key points to doing the Hip Bridge Swing properly.

  • start by sitting on your mat with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and leaning back on your hands
  • from this position you will drive your hips upward while squeezing your glutes, contracting your abs, and keeping your head in line with your spine
  • from the top position of the exercise take your right hand off the floor and reach up and over across your body to your left twisting and contracting your abs as you do so
  • return your right hand to the floor and lower your hips until you are almost touching the floor
  • drive your hips up again until your body is as straight as can be and lift your left hand up and over towards the right side of your body while contracting your abs
  • return to the starting position while keeping your butt off the floor throughout the entire set and repeat for the desired amount of reps or time

So there you have the Hip Bridge Swing!  Add this in to your lower body or full body routine and get those glues and hamstrings burning!

Outdoor Group Training Starts July 15, 2014!

The warmer weather is here and HomeBody Group Training is back with more exercises and fun for everyone!  Full body functional training using your own body weight and specialized equipment workouts are what’s in store for you this year!  There are 3 ongoing outdoor group sessions each week for you to choose from in Kitchener for the spring, summer, and fall of 2014!

Group sessions take place rain or shine in Schaeffer Park located on Bloomingdale Rd. in Kitchener, Ontario.  Sessions will be cancelled in the event of a thunder storm.

HomeBody Group Training is for any fitness level as all exercises can be modified to suit your ability.  Bring your friends and come join us for some outdoor fitness!  Have fun and get in shape at the same time!

Click here for more details.  Outdoor Group Training

Mountain Climber Kickback

Hey there!  I have a new Home Exercise of the Week for you to try and this week we’re going to focus on your core and glutes.

The exercise is called the Mountain Climber Kickback and it will primarily work your abdominals, glutes, and lower back.  It will also isometrically work your shoulders and arms.

Let’s take a look at how to do the Mountain Climber Kickback properly.

  • get in to a full plank position with your hands on the floor and in line underneath your shoulders
  • make sure your body is straight with your head in line with your spine, glutes flexed, and your belly button pulled in toward your spine
  • without raising your hips up too much drive your left knee up towards your left arm and crunch the abs
  • extend the leg back and raise it up while squeezing your glutes
  • repeat for desired amount of reps or time then complete a set with your right leg

So there you have the Mountain Climber Kickback.  Add this in to your workout routine and get your core and glutes burning!