Full Body Workout 2

Hey everyone!  Last week I gave you an abdominal workout to try so I can imagine your abs were feeling it.  If it hurts to cough, sneeze, or laugh then you know you did a good ab workout!  This week we are going to go back to a Full Body Workout for the Home Workout of the Week.

There are four supersets in this routine with two rounds of each.  Each superset will consist of an upper body exercise, a lower body exercise, a core exercise, and a cardiovascular exercise.  Try to do each exercise of the superset with very little rest in between.

Full body workouts are great for boosting your metabolism and for calorie burning so give this workout a try and you’ll be well on your way to a lean, muscular physique!

Full Body Workout 2


  • 12 Bodyweight Squats
  • 10 Pushups
  • 12 Spiderman Climbs
  • 10 Spinal Rotations for each side
  • 10 Shoulder Circles for each arm

Superset 1

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Superset 2

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Superset 3

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Superset 4

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Abdominal Workout

Hey there!  If you’ve been following my Home Workout of the Week blog, you’ll notice that I incorporate a lot of core work in to my routines.  This week however, I’m going to show you an abdominal only workout that you can do on an off day or whenever you’re in a time crunch and want to just get a quick ab workout in to tighten up the core.

manwomanTraining your core is very important as balance, posture, and back health have been linked to core health and your core is the foundation for all body movements whether you’re walking, running, playing sports, or carrying heavy objects.

Many people are sitting at a desk all day at work, then in their vehicles, and then at home on the couch without their core muscles engaged.  An increasing sedentary lifestyle with no core involvement leads to many problems with back pain most likely at the top of the list.  You can start to change this with something as little as sitting up straight and engaging your core by flexing your abdominals.  To further strengthen your core, start incorporating core specific exercises in to your workout routine.

Your core is the most important in my opinion so give this Abdominal Workout a try and you’ll be on your way to improving your posture, balance, exercise and sport performance, and prevent back pain!

Abdominal Workout

1 set of each exercise with little to no rest between

Full Body Circuit Workout

Hey there everyone!  I have a challenging Full Body Circuit Workout for you this week for the Home Workout of the Week.  It’s going to work all of the major muscle groups as well as your core and because there is no rest between the exercises, you will be getting a great cardiovascular workout as well.  The goal is to do all 8 exercises in a row before taking a rest but you may need to work up to that point so do what you can and take a rest if you’re not feeling well!

Give it a shot and let me know how you do!

Full Body Circuit Workout


  • 30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
  • 10 Pushups
  • 12 Spiderman Climbs
  • 10 Spinal Rotations each side
  • 10 Shoulder Circles each arm


Rest for 60 to 90 seconds then repeat the superset 2 more times


Lower Body/Core Workout

I have a Lower Body/Core workout for you to try for this week’s Home Workout of the Week.  Make sure you are well warmed up before trying this routine as it is fairly challenging.  This workout includes plyometric training so if you are not used to jumping or if you have knee or back problems then please regress the movements until you feel you are strong enough to handle them.

This Lower Body/Core workout will help with your balance and explosive power as well as increasing your muscle strength and the amount of calories burned.  For an extra challenge, try holding on to some dumbbells if you have some.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Lower Body and Core


  • 30 seconds of Jumping Jacks
  • 12 Body weight Squats
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • 5 Burpees

Superset 1

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Superset 2

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time

Superset 3

Rest for 30 to 60 seconds then repeat the superset 1 more time


Crunchy Frog

If you have ever done the P90X abdominal routine then you will recognize this Home Exercise of the Week!  It’s called the Crunchy Frog and I really don’t know how the name came to be but it is memorable.  Whenever I say it’s Crunchy Frog time I’m guaranteed to get a few groans and eye rolls but that’s because it’s a challenging exercise.

This may be a tough exercise but it is effective in working your core and hip flexors as well as your balance and coordination.  It just takes a bit of practice and strength development to get the move down perfectly.

Let’s take a look at how to do the Crunchy Frog properly.

  • start by sitting in a V-like position with your arms extended out to your side and your upper body at about a 45 degree angle
  • your legs will remain off the floor throughout the movement
  • next, pull your knees in towards your chest while wrapping your arms around your legs
  • squeeze the abs then extend your legs back out and your arms out to your side.  You’re now in the starting position again
  • repeat and aim for 15 to 20 repetitions

So there you have the Crunchy Frog.  The movement itself is fairly straight forward but it does take some strength to execute it properly.  If you find that your lower back is hurting on this one then you can place your hands on the floor behind you and just kick in and out with your legs.  As your abs get stronger you will be able to add in the arm movement.