Dumbbell Swing

Get your legs and shoulders fired up with this Home Exercise of the Week.  It’s called the Dumbbell Swing and it’s a great full body exercise that will get your heart rate and metabolic rate up.  Full body exercises burn more calories and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

The Dumbbell Swing targets your quadriceps, inner thighs, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and deltoids so there are many muscles working together with this exercise.  More neurons are firing and more oxygen is needed so stay focused, breath deeply, and get ready to sweat!

If you don’t have a dumbbell at home that’s ok.  You can use any object that provides resistance and is easy to hold on to like a jug of water for instance or if you’re a new mom you can even use your child!  They will think it’s great fun!

Let’s take a look at how to do the Dumbbell Swing properly.

  • start by standing up tall with your feet in a wide stance, toes pointed slightly outward
  • let your weight hang down in front of you
  • squat down with your body weight on your heels, pushing your hips back, and keeping your head up and shoulders back
  • push up through your heels and at the same time swing the weight up to shoulder height while keeping your arms fairly straight
  • immediately squat down again dropping the weight between your legs and repeat
  • it’s ok to use momentum on this exercise but don’t get sloppy on the form

So there you have the Dumbbell Swing.  If you want a challenging full body exercise that will boost your metabolic rate and get that liquid awesome flowing then you’ll want to make sure that you are adding this exercise in to your routine!

Suicide Pushup

It’s Home Exercise of the Week time and this week I have a challenging variation of a pushup for you.  It’s called the Suicide Pushup.  It sounds pretty brutal and I’m not gonna lie, it’s tough, but there is a way to regress the movement to a more manageable version if you’re having trouble.

The Suicide Pushup works your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core so this is a great exercise to add in to your upper body or full body routine.

Let’s take a look at how to do the Suicide Pushup properly.

  • start by getting in to a plank position on your forearms and toes
  • lift your right arm and come up on your right hand and then lift your left arm and come up on your left hand (you will now be in a full plank position)
  • immediately lower your right arm back to the start position followed by your left arm
  • keep your abs tight throughout the whole exercise
  • on the next rep come up on your left side first and keep switching with each rep
  • you can also repeat the same pattern for a few reps and then switch or change it up on the next set.  Play around with the pattern and keep your body guessing!
  • to regress this exercise to an easier version you can rest on your knees instead of your toes.  Just make sure that your butt is down and your body is straight.

So there you have the Suicide Pushup!  It may sound very unpleasant and it is challenging but strong and toned pectorals, shoulders, triceps, and core muscles far outweigh the temporary discomfort.  You can do them slow for reps or fast in a timed set for a more cardiovascular component.  Have fun!

Side to Side Pushup

Pump up your upper body with this Home Exercise of the Week!  The Side to Side Pushup is another great body weight exercise that will target your chest, shoulders, and triceps as well as promote shoulder mobility.

There are a few different versions of this exercise that you can do depending on your fitness level.  In the video, I show the basic regressed version that would be ideal for beginner to intermediate levels.  If you are an absolute beginner though, I would recommend just doing a straight up and down pushup from the knees without the side to side movement.

Let’s take a look at the key points to doing the Side to Side Pushup properly.

  • assume the pushup position from your knees or toes but instead of having your hands shoulder width apart, keep them together directly underneath your upper chest
  • make sure your body is perfectly straight (don’t stick your butt up in the air) and pull your belly button in towards your spine to keep your abs tight
  • move one hand to your side while keeping your other hand and feet or knees stationary
  • keep your body straight while performing the pushup and return to the starting position in the middle as you come up
  • repeat on the other side

So there you have the Side to Side Pushup.  Like I said, there are a few different versions and if you want more of a challenge then do the pushup from your toes instead of your knees.  For an even more advanced version, you can move one foot to the side at the same time as your hand.  This does take a good amount of coordination and strength however so make sure you are comfortable with the easier versions first before attempting this one!

One Arm Elbow Out Row

This week I would like to show you a variation of the dumbbell row for the Home Exercise of the Week.  It’s called the One Arm Elbow Out Row and this exercise will target your upper and middle back as well as your rear shoulders.  If you sit at a desk for most of the day there is a tendency over time to hunch your shoulders forward and your posture goes out the window.  Adding this exercise to your routine will go a long way in helping you recover your posture by bringing those shoulders back to a natural position.

Let’s take a look at how to do the One Arm Elbow Out Row properly.  Arm position is everything in this exercise as a simple shift in arm position will change which muscles you are working.

  • step your right foot back and lean forward resting your elbow on your left knee
  • keep your back straight and your torso as parallel to the floor as you can (don’t round your lower back)
  • let the dumbbell hang at your side with your palm facing behind you
  • as you pull the dumbbell up, flare your elbow out to the side keeping it in line with your upper back
  • make sure you are retracting your shoulder blade first then following through with the rest of your arm.  This will ensure that you are engaging your back muscles properly for optimal contraction.
  • exhale as your pull the weight up and inhale as you lower it back down
  • perform 8 to 15 repetitions depending on your goals then switch arms and foot position to complete the set

So there you have the One Arm Elbow Out Row.  This is a great upper back/rear shoulder exercise to add in to your upper body or full body routine and having a strong back helps your posture, it helps prevent debilitating back injuries, and generally makes life a lot easier and more enjoyable.  So take care of your back with good strengthening exercises and proper form!

One Arm Plank Shoulder Circles

It’s time to get your core and shoulders working with this Home Exercise of the Week!  In the video you’ll notice that this exercise has a really long name! (obviously at the time of filming it I couldn’t think of anything better)  So instead I have shortened it to One Arm Plank Shoulder Circles.

I’m going to be honest with you and say this exercise is hard!  That being said there are modifications to make it easier until you get stronger.

The plank part of the exercise is isometric which means the joint angle and muscle length doesn’t change during contraction.  This is really going to work your core!  The shoulder circle part of the exercise works your deltoids and in particular, your posterior deltoid and upper back muscles.

Let’s take a look at the key points to remember when doing One Arm Plank Shoulder Circles.

  • keep your feet wide to stabilize yourself during the movement
  • keep your body straight throughout (no butts sticking up!)
  • pull your belly button in towards your spine to keep your abdominal muscles flexed
  • raise one arm out to the side keeping it in line with your upper body
  • move your arm in small circles at an even, medium pace (this is going to burn!)
  • start by doing forward circles for 10 to 20 seconds or for 15 to 20 repetitions then go backwards for the same amount of time or reps
  • breath deeply and evenly throughout the exercise

As I mentioned earlier, there is a way to make the exercise easier if you are having trouble.  To do this, put your knees on the floor instead of being on your toes.  Keep in mind though that you still need to keep your body straight with this modification so no bending at the waist.

So there you have One Arm Plank Shoulder Circles!  If you have progressed to the point where this exercise is starting to get easy, try holding on to a dumbbell when doing the shoulder circles.  This will step up the intensity and maybe even cause you to utter some profanity while doing it!