Reverse Lunge

The Reverse Lunge works all the major muscles of the legs.  Quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.  When performing the Reverse Lunge, make sure to bring both legs to 90 degree angles.  When you are coming up out of the movement, you want to make sure you are pushing up through your front heel and don’t let your knee go beyond your toes.  Always keep your upper body in an upright position (no bending over or leaning forward).  If you have trouble balancing with this exercise, start by holding on to a chair or put your hand on a wall to stabilize yourself.  You can perform all your reps with one leg first or you can alternate each side.

Running Mountain Climber

This is a great exercise to work your core and can also be used as a cardiovascular component to your routine.  Always keep your stomach tight and your hips as low as possible to target the correct muscles.  You may also touch the leading foot to the ground instead of keeping it up in the air.  15 to 30 seconds is a good amount of time for this exercise to get your heart pumping!

Never Give Up

I would like to thank a very close friend of mine for showing this video to me and I would like to share it with all of you with the hopes that it will inspire you to never give up on your hopes and dreams.

I think we’ve all been at a point in our life where we’ve felt like giving up or we stop believing in ourselves.  This can happen not only with our fitness goals but with any goal.  You might be at a point right now where you have a lot of weight to lose and/or you have injuries that prevent you from doing a lot of things.  Your goal might seem so far away and unattainable that you think you can’t possibly ever get there.

So what do you do?  Give up and let things get even worse or do you make a decision right now to do something about it?

The first step is making that decision with so much enthusiasm that you feel like you’re going to explode!  Many people never achieve their goal because they can’t make a definite decision about what they want or they don’t have a clear picture in their mind of their ultimate goal.  Sometimes people set themselves up to fail before they even start due to fear of having a different life.  It can be easy to get caught in your comfort zone and change can be very frightening to some.

Like the wonderful and inspiring man in the video above, you could have an injury that you think might stop you from reaching your goal or you might have a lot of weight to lose but don’t let this be the reason you give up.  There will be times and it could be many times that you fall down but please, always get back up and keep going.

Be consistent…be determined…be persistent…never ever give up!

Kitchener Boot Camp Special!

Special Promotion until June 12th – To coincide with HomeBody Training’s promotion with WagJag, Kitchener boot camps will be offered at a discounted rate for a limited time!

Promotion Rates for a 6 Week Package:

One Class per Week – $59.00
Two Classes per Week – $82.00
Three Classes per Week – $99.00

Click here for times and to purchase your package!