TRX Tricep Extension

Hey there, it’s time for a new Home Exercise of the Week.  I have a great TRX exercise for you that’s going to really target your tricep muscles.  It’s called the TRX Tricep Extension.  I should warn you though that your triceps could be quite sore the next day and you may have trouble washing your hair!

If you don’t have a TRX Suspension Trainer (I highly recommend getting one) you can also do this exercise on a table at home.  For a demo of that, check out this video:  How To: Triceps Extensions Using a Table

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of the TRX Tricep Extension.

  • attach your TRX to a door at home, a tree outside, or a soccer net at a park like you see in the video
  • depending on your fitness level, bring your feet close to the anchor point to make this exercise more challenging or keep your feet further away from the anchor point to make it easier
  • keep your hands and elbows close together and raise your arms up until your upper arms are parallel or slightly above parallel to the ground
  • shift your body weight through your arms and in to the handles of the straps so that there is constant tension throughout the exercise
  • bend at the elbows and let your body fall forward in a controlled manner until your hands are back and above your head
  • keeping your elbows close together, push out through the palms of your hands and raise your body back up until your arms are fully extended
  • squeeze the tricep muscles when your arms are fully extended and then repeat the movement for your desired amount of reps or time
  • maintain tight flexed abs throughout the exercise

So there you have the TRX Tricep Extension!  You may have trouble washing your hair after but it will be worth it.

Let me know how you do with this one in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!

Kettlebell Wood Chopper

Hey there, I have a new Home Exercise of the Week for you to try called the Kettlebell Wood Chopper.  This is a great full body exercise that primarily works your core (especially obliques), quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and shoulders.

If you don’t have a kettlebell you can also do this with a medicine ball, dumbbell, or any weighted object you have at home that is easy to hold on to.

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of the Kettlebell Wood Chopper.

  • stand tall with your feet shoulder width apart and toes pointed slightly outward
  • hold the kettlebell down in front of you
  • descend in to a squat while keeping your abs tight and twist to your left so the kettlebell is to the outside of your left leg
  • keep your weight on your heels throughout the squat
  • come up from the squat position while swinging the kettlebell up and diagonally to the right
  • at the top position make sure your feet are firmly planted and your upper body is twisted to the right
  • keep your abs engaged throughout the movement
  • keep your arms as straight as you can and lower the kettlebell back down and to the left as you squat
  • repeat for your desired amount or reps or time and then repeat for your right side

So there you have the Kettlebell Wood Chopper.  Add this exercise to your full body routine or as part of your ab routine.  Your obliques will thank you for it!

Let me know how you do with this one in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!

Burpee Medicine Ball Overhead Toss

Hello, it’s time again for a new Home Exercise of the Week.  This week I have another variation of everyone’s favourite exercise…the burpee!  I call it the Burpee Medicine Ball Overhead Toss.

This variation of the burpee is going to give your core an extra challenge since you will be adding the instability of placing your hands on the ball when you’re in the full plank position.  As with other burpees, you will also be working your legs, shoulders, and arms.  The shoulders will get an extra workout as well with the overhead throw of the medicine ball.  And don’t forget the cardiovascular conditioning you will get when your heart is pumping hard during this exercise!

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of the Burpee Medicine Ball Overhead Toss.

  • crouch down and place a medicine ball down on the floor in front of you
  • keeping your hands on the ball and under your chest, jump your feet back until you are fully extended in a full plank position
  • keep your abs engaged to maintain your balance on the medicine ball
  • from this full plank position, jump your feet back up and underneath you then pick the ball up and stand up while trying to keep your back as straight as possible (like standing up from a squat)
  • once you are fully upright throw the medicine ball straight up over your head and then catch it on the way back down
  • lower the ball to the floor and repeat the movement for your desired amount of reps or time

So there you have the Burpee Medicine Ball Overhead Toss.  Add this fun variation of the burpee in to your full body routine and let the sweating begin!

Let me know how you do with this one in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!

Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

Hey there, it’s time for a new Home Exercise of the Week!  This week’s exercise is called a Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift and it’s a great lower body exercise that will target your glutes, hamstrings, and lower back as well as working on balance and the stabilizer muscles of the ankle.

If you don’t have dumbbells, you can use any heavy object that is easy to hold on to or you can even do this without added weights and use your own body weight.

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of the Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift.

  • grab on to a pair of dumbbells and hold them at your side while standing tall
  • lift your left foot off the floor and slightly bend your right knee
  • keep your back straight, your shoulders back, and bend at the waist to descend in to the deadlift
  • maintain the same slight bend in the right knee throughout the movement and let the weights hang freely from your arms
  • push your hips back while bending down and push your right knee outward to keep it from caving in
  • lower your upper body towards the floor until you feel a good stretch in the back of your right leg
  • squeeze your glutes and come back up to the starting position until you are standing nice and tall
  • keep your left foot off the floor as much as you can throughout your set unless you need to re-balance yourself
  • complete for your desired amount of reps or time and then repeat for your left leg

So there you have the Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift.  Add this in to your lower or full body routine and in time you will feel stronger and have more balance.

Let me know how you like this exercise in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!

Triangle Jump

Hey, it’s Home Exercise of the Week time again and this week I have a cardiovascular and core exercise for you to try that I call the Triangle Jump.

The Triangle Jump is primarily a core exercise but you will also be working many other muscle groups including your shoulders, triceps, and legs.  This move is also kind of like a burpee which makes it a fairly intense cardiovascular exercise.  Your heart will be pumping and you will be sweating!

Let’s take a look at the key performance points of the Triangle Jump.

  • start in a full plank pushup position with your hands directly under your shoulders
  • engage your abs and glutes and keep your back straight
  • jump your feet forward so that they are tucked in underneath you
  • from this tucked position jump both feet back and out to the left at about a 45 degree angle
  • jump both feet back up to the middle and tucked in underneath you
  • now jump both feet back and out to the right at the same 45 degree angle
  • return to the middle and keep jumping side to side for your desired amount of reps or time
  • keep your abs and glutes flexed throughout the movement

So there you have the Triangle Jump.  It’s intense.  It will make you sweat.  Your muscles will be burning.  It will be worth it.

Let me know how you do with this one in the comments below or if you have any questions.

See you next week with another new exercise!