Side Plank

Your core in my opinion is the most important area to train as it will help prevent back problems, improve balance and posture, as well as increase strength and agility for all other areas of your body.  Part of your core muscles are the obliques which are your side abs that allow you to twist and turn your body.  For the Home Exercise of the Week I want to show you the Side Plank which is an isometric abdominal exercise that will effectively target those important oblique muscles.

There are a few different versions of the Side Plank that you can do depending on your fitness level.  The most difficult version is the Side Plank supported by a fully extended arm.  To regress that to a slightly less difficult version is to support your body on your forearm which is what is shown in the video.  To regress that even further, you can support yourself on your forearm then bend one knee and let it rest on the floor which will support more of your body weight.

To properly perform the Side Plank shown in the video, follow the steps outlined below.

  • start by laying on your side with your feet stacked on top of eachother
  • prop yourself up on your forearm and make sure it is directly underneath your shoulder
  • lift your hips off the floor until your body is perfectly straight
  • keep your abs tight and hold this position for 30 seconds (you can hold longer if you’re feeling extra strong!)
  • repeat on the other side

So there you have the Side Plank.  You can increase the difficulty by adding a leg raise, knee crunch, or leg swing.  Demonstrations of these versions will be coming in the future but until then, happy planking!

Around the World

It’s Home Exercise of the Week time and this week I have another great core exercise for you to try.  I like to call it Around the World but I’m sure other people call it by different names.

The Around the World exercise is challenging and definitely not a beginner exercise so make sure you are ready for this one before trying it.  If you can do Side to Side Leg Raises with little difficulty then you will know that you are ready to go Around the World!

You will be working your lower back, lower abdominals, obliques, and hip flexors with this exercise.  As always, proper form is key to working the targeted muscles effectively and safely.  Let’s take a look at the key points to doing the Around the World properly.

  • lay on the floor face up with your arms extended out to your side to stabilize yourself
  • raise your legs straight up so they are perpendicular to the floor
  • keeping your legs straight, lower both feet down to your side until they are almost touching the floor then swing them out in front of you and continue on to the other side and back up to the starting position
  • repeat but go the other direction this time and keep switching directions for each rep
  • throughout the whole set make sure that you are driving your belly button down towards your spine to keep your abdominals engaged and your lower back flat against the floor
  • if you find that your lower back is hurting from this move then don’t lower your legs as far and if that doesn’t help then discontinue the exercise

So there you have the Around the World.  Add a couple sets of 15 to 20 repetitions to your ab routine or throw it in to a superset with your other workout routines.  It’s a challenging exercise but over time you will get stronger and your core will thank you.  Also, as with the Side to Side Leg Raises, you can hold a light dumbbell between your feet to really up the intensity!  Happy traveling!  😉

Side to Side Leg Raises

I have another abdominal exercise for you for the Home Exercise of the Week!  Your core muscles are very important for maintaining a healthy posture and back health as well as providing stability and strength to all other exercises and every day activities.  So please make sure you are not neglecting your core and to help you with that I would like to show you the Side to Side Leg Raise.

Side to Side Leg Raises target your lower abdominals and your obliques.  Proper form is key as with any exercise but with this one especially since improper form could lead to strain on your lower back.

Let’s take a look at the key points for proper Side to Side Leg Raise execution:

  • lay flat on the floor with your arms extended out to your sides (this will stabilize you and keep you from rolling over) and legs together straight up in the air
  • pull your belly button in towards your spine which will activate your abdominals and allow them to do more of the work instead of your back
  • with legs together, lower them to the side until they are almost touching the floor
  • keeping your abs contracted, raise back up to the starting position and repeat on the other side
  • keep your head down as much as you can throughout the movement

Add the Side to Side Leg Raise to a superset or to your ab routine with a rep range of 12 to 20 reps to start.  If you find keeping your legs straight to be extremely challenging then you can bend your legs at the knees giving you a shorter lever which in turn will make the exercise easier.  On the flip side, if you find this not challenging enough then try holding a dumbbell between your feet!

Now go and get your abs burning!

Cross Body Mountain Climber

This week’s featured exercise is the Cross Body Mountain Climber.  This is a fantastic exercise that will build strength and tone your abs including your obliques.  Not only will it bring you one step closer to that highly sought after “six pack”, it will also strengthen and tone your entire body!  Shoulders, triceps, chest, back, quadriceps, glutes, and calves are also working in this movement.

Some key points to remember when doing the Cross Body Mountain Climber is to keep your body straight from head to toe.  So no butts in the air on this one!  If your butt is up high you won’t be engaging your abs and too much strain will be put on your shoulders.  Another point to remember is to keep your abdominals flexed throughout the movement.  An easy way to engage your abs is to pull your belly button in towards your spine.  If you aren’t flexing your stomach then the abs aren’t being worked as effectively as they could be.

The difference between this exercise and the regular Mountain Climber is the degree to which your oblique muscles are being used.  Driving your knee to your opposite elbow will really get them working.

The Cross Body Mountain Climber can be done anywhere so by adding this great core exercise to your routine you’ll be on your way to a strong and flat stomach!