One Leg Squat

The One Leg Squat is a challenging lower body exercise that works your quads, hamstrings, glutes, balance, and all the little stabilizer muscles of the ankle.  Start off squatting down slowly to keep from toppling over or you can put your hand against the wall or on a chair to steady yourself.  Always remember to keep your back straight and keep your knee from shooting out past your toes.


Kitchener Boot Camp Special!

Special Promotion until June 12th – To coincide with HomeBody Training’s promotion with WagJag, Kitchener boot camps will be offered at a discounted rate for a limited time!

Promotion Rates for a 6 Week Package:

One Class per Week – $59.00
Two Classes per Week – $82.00
Three Classes per Week – $99.00

Click here for times and to purchase your package!

Free Full Body Workout

Hello everyone!

I have added a free full body workout for you that can be done at home or at the gym.  All that is needed is some dumbbells, a stability ball, and a mat!  This full body circuit routine will strengthen all the major muscle groups while giving you an endurance building cardiovascular workout!

Click here to view the workout.

*This workout is in PDF format.  Click on the Fitness Routines tab at the top to download the latest version of Adobe Reader if needed*

(Before doing any exercise routine please consult with your physician. Discontinue any exercise that causes you pain or severe discomfort and consult a medical expert)